Setup| Introduction| Preparing an SD Card| Booting and Updating| Configuration of a compute node| Configuration of the login node| Setting up a loop device|

Configuring a compute node

This is a step by step guide on how to set up a miniHPC using Raspberry Pis.

Flash an SD card as described in episode 2 and give it a name of «nodename»002 where «nodename» is the name that you use for all your nodes in your HPC.

Run and update and an upgrade

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt full-upgrade -y

Disable WiFi and Bluetooth

Open /boot/firmware/config.txt and add the following two lines at the bottom in the [all] section.


Save the file and reboot

Create a mount point for the shared drive

sudo mkdir /sharedfs

Install required packages

sudo apt-get install -y slurmd slurm-client munge vim ntp ntpdate lmod
proc            /proc           proc    defaults          0       0
PARTUUID=3e3e7392-01  /boot/firmware  vfat    defaults          0       2
PARTUUID=3e3e7392-02  /               ext4    defaults,noatime  0       1    /sharedfs    nfs    defaults   0 0    /home    nfs    defaults   0 0

Install ESSI

mkdir essi
cd essi
sudo bash ./

source /cvmfs/
# We don't do this one anymore:
# echo "source /cvmfs/" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile